Hydraulic Press Brake Design


Before choosing your press brake type, you should first determine the metal you want (stainless or 16 gauge mild, etc.).

Our Servo Hydraulic Press Brakes can bend metal with up to 66% less power consumption at stand-by and 44% less energy use during the bending cycles. Our servo braking system is powered by AC Servo motors. These motors drive hydraulic oil on demand in conjunction with variable speed pumps. Our advanced technology ensures that our servo presses have a significantly lower price per part. We use only the most powerful electronic, electric and hydraulic power when it is needed. You won't find any quieter, less energy-intensive or more accurate press brake.

These machines run fast and efficiently and are more reliable than their predecessors.

A one-of-a-kind technology that makes efficient, quality results available to press brake operators of all skill levels.


The package includes raw power, heavy duty bending performance, improved technology, and all this at a low price.

Our Servo Hydraulic Press Brkes are highly efficient metal benders. With up to 66% reduced power consumption in standby, and 44% lower energy usage during the bending phase, our Servo Hydraulic Press Brokes are more powerful and efficient than other metal benders. AC Servo "electric motors" drive the ram movement of our servobrakes. They also have variable speed pumps that pump hydraulic oil "on demand". Our sophisticated, advanced technology ensures that the servopress brake is cost-effective. It's hard to find a quieter or more accurate press braking system anywhere.

Hydraulic Press Brakes Quick

Hydraulic Press Brakes Quick

All of these outstanding machine capabilities are combined with industry-recognized service (we average 2 and 1/2 service technicians for every salesperson), a well-staffed emergency number, and a parts division that will blow you away. If your initial investment involves tooling up your presses brake, we also have that covered. We are Wila and Wilson certified tooling professionals with the tools that you need.

A motor in the device drives mechanical press brakes. The large flywheel spins at high speeds by the motor. The flywheel is controlled through a clutch by the operator. Once the clutch has been activated, the remaining parts are set into motion to bend and bend the metal. The mechanical press brake has an easier operation, thanks to its electronic components. Because of their mechanical design, they can handle tonnages up to three times greater than their inherent rating. However, mechanical press brakes are not able to be reversed. The ram inside the machine must complete the full cycle after it engages. This can cause safety issues if the operator is not careful and may also limit the machine's capabilities. If the ram travels far enough, the press brake can become locked.


You get raw power, heavy-duty bend performance, and better technology all in one cost-effective package.

No matter your bending need, our BH Series is there to help.

Hydraulic Bending
Hydraulic Bending

Once these characteristics have been determined, you must then calculate the tonnage required for the bending operation.

Looking for the ideal combination of serious bending strength and cost-efficient operation without sacrificing quality or output?

Hydraulic Press Brake Design
Hydraulic Press Brake 12 Foot

Intuitive operation, high productivity, heavy-duty bend performance, and high productivity all in one cost-effective package

Ranging from entry-level hydraulic all the way up to heavy-duty, fully customized solutions that cover any of your requirements for sheet metal forming, these press brakes represent the apex of pounds-to-performance for industrial bending.

Frequently Asked Questions

Diamonds don't last forever. They can become lost, can be fried in an oven, or can be crushed to smithereens by a hydraulic press.

When you travel at a decent speed, the first brake is used. If you need to stop your car or your car's speed reaches the lowest gear, you will need to use your brakes to prevent it from stalling.

Hydraulic brakes are easy to maintain, provided you properly bleed the system and make sure there are no leaks.

Finally, a neodymium magnetic magnet beat a hydraulic press.

Experts estimate that hydraulic brakes require twice as much electrical energy to operate an electric press brake. The hydraulic motors, pumps and oil that hydraulic press brakes use to operate the machine keep it running, even when it's not in use.